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About Us

homeschool family in the woods
Hello! I'm Emily.

I'm a follower of Jesus, and if you're not, I'd highly recommend it. Don't worry about homeschool or parenting or literally anything else until you've got that figured out.


My husband has put up with me for fifteen years now and he is the actual best. 


We have been given five precious souls to care for and they are our riches. 


I read voraciously and often neglect the housework. Still working on that - balance is hard.


I managed to get two degrees in music performance but I've learned more, much more, from raising children than I did from all those years of college. 


I’m a dedicated introvert and if you call my phone or ring my doorbell I will do my best to avoid answering.


Our life is not exceptional, our children are far from perfect, our homeschool is a continual work in progress, and our best pictures conveniently omit the messy chaos in the rest of the house. But I want to share our struggles and our joys in the hopes of encouraging others in their homeschool lives and encouraging us all in a life with a few more books and a few less screens.


We are learning for life: both in the sense that learning is not separate from Real Life, but it is for life, it all weaves together beautifully, and we cannot separate the two - and also in the sense that it does not end at age eighteen. Learning, and life, continue together - always.


~ Emily

For privacy purposes I refer to my children as Big Brother, Middle Brother, Little Brother, Little Sister, and Baby Brother. These are not in fact their actual names.



last updated July 2023

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