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Writer's pictureEmily

Six Months Old

Little Sister recently turned six months old! She's been challenging lately and is harder to figure out than her brothers were at this age. Actually when I sit down and think about it, she is super happy 100% of the time... that she is awake. ;) Baby Girl doesn't like to sleep and that's the only real challenge - which feels like a big challenge when you're tired and trying to do school with brothers and SOMEONE doesn't want to nap. But when she's awake, she smiles and babbles and giggles and charms us all.

It's hard to believe it's been half a year already! Everyone says it and it's a bit cliche, but the months truly do fly by.

Baby Girl loooooves to talk. She's probably already gotten in more words than her brothers did in their whole first two years. Is this a girl thing? Or just a personality thing? It's pretty fun, but there have also been times where I've been about to tell her to be quiet because she is just SO. LOUD. but then I remember that she's not old enough to understand! Ha! The noise level in our house is only going to go up.

I need to soak up these last few months before she becomes mobile. It's really a golden age in the baby world - when they can grab & play with toys, talk & giggle & laugh, but aren't moving around yet! Our floors are still covered with Legos and scraps of paper and dozens of other choking hazards; very very soon I will need to be more careful about what we leave out.

Also I'm having quite a lot of fun dressing a girl. After three boys, I don't even feel guilty about it. Dresses! Bows! Headbands! All the pink! Yeehaw. Baby Girl might end up being a tomboy and hating dresses, but for now mommy is loving every minute of it.

Happy six months, little one! We sure do love you.


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