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Writer's pictureEmily

August Update: A New School Year Begins!

Summer is almost over, and at risk of offending 90% of the population I will just say that I am not sad about it. Summer is lovely but by the end of August I am always more than ready for the cooler weather and the comforting routine that fall brings.

Our summer was quiet and spent mostly at home. We will be going on vacation next week with my in-laws but we didn't take any other trips, never once made it to a splash pad or water park, and only visited the zoo twice. This was mainly because of Baby Sister, but I'm thankful that our boys are young enough that they didn't notice or mind that our summer was "uneventful." I mean, they get excited about a picnic lunch in the backyard right now so I am totally taking advantage of that! Newborn life is hard and most days it is just easier to stay home.

We did work through all the subjects on our summer loop - slowly and freely and without rush. Big Brother had four piano lessons, and practiced off and on between them; we finished *most* of our Space Science unit study; we read lots of picture books and colored and drew and painted.

Looking forward: the following is my plan for the new school year, beginning after Labor Day. I have a hard time making exact plans right now because there are several new factors we will be working with this year and we shall have to wait and see how it all fits together. Firstly, Baby Sister is still at the age where her schedule changes often, and we have to be flexible to fit our school work in during nap times. Secondly, Middle Brother will be attending a half-day preschool each morning so we will be spending some time driving each day for drop-off and pick-up. So, FLEXIBILITY is the name of the game this semester!

Little Brother: I hope to spend about 15 minutes each day with just him. I have two alphabet/pre-reading workbooks for us to slowly work through, and I also plan to use A Year of Picture Books (booklist) from Read-Aloud Revival. We will choose several books from the list each month and read through them together.

Middle Brother: He will be in preschool during the morning hours but I plan to have him participate in our afternoon read-alouds, art projects, and whatever else we fit in.

Big Brother: Here is our general plan. I will write another post when the semester is finished to share what we *actually* did because there's a high chance it could be entirely different.

* Math: continue with Shiller Math; do a short review and then begin Book 3.

* Phonics/Reading: continue and finish Logic of English book D; follow Sonlight's schedule of Readers Grade 3.

* Handwriting/copywork: we will use the Memoria Press manuscript copywork book as well as some free downloads from Simply Charlotte Mason.

* Geography: hands-on work with Pin It Maps.

* Science: We will be using Apologia's Botany course - my first time trying a single-subject course like this! Also hoping to fit in nature walks from Exploring Nature with Children.

* History: I've never liked history but I am actually very excited about this, which I think is a good thing! We will be reading The Story of the World Volume 1 and supplementing with any picture books or living books we can find. Hoping to work in narration and perhaps some drawings of what we discuss.

* Other Topics we will fit in when possible: Music Appreciation (listening to famous composers, discussing the music & reading biographies), Hands-On Art Projects, Literature/Read-Alouds, Poetry Reading, Piano Lessons & Practice, Devotionals/Memory Verses/Bible Reading, building Legos and Train Tracks, Play time Outside, Quiet Time and Being Bored, Cleaning this Disaster of a House, Drinking Copious Amounts of Coffee, Wondering What in the World I Got Myself Into, Questioning my Life Choices, Kissing the Baby and then Feeling Better, and on and on it goes. And yes, those last couple ones are for Mom. No coffee for kids over here.

What excitement and adventure! I have no idea how it will all shake out in the end. Stay tuned!

Any tips for homeschooling with a young baby?

How about taking advantage of time in the car? Or for staying flexible? I'm open to any and all advice!


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