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Writer's pictureEmily

Curriculum Choices for Fall 2020

So far in our short homeschool career it's worked better for me to plan from behind - writing down what we accomplish AFTER it's happened, instead of planning out beforehand everything we hope to do. However, I've decided to list here the curriculum we chose for this fall, for those who may be curious about what we're using! I make no guarantees about how far we will progress or if we will get to every book on this list - but this is our starting point from which to work this fall.

2nd grader

Math: continuing on with Book 3 of Shiller Math and supplementing with a few Kumon workbooks

Reading/Spelling: he will read through the book list from Sonlight's Grade 4 readers, and I will create spelling lists based on words we encounter there

History: Story of the World Book 2 and workbook

Science: Apologia Astronomy course

Handwriting: he wants to learn cursive this year and I have two workbooks, one from The Good and The Beautiful and one by Zaner-Bloser; we will see which we like better

Other: Who Is God by Apologia, Building Thinking Skills Level 1, and geography work using maps from Pin It! Maps


Math: reviewing the beginning of Book 1 of Shiller Math and then continuing on

Phonics: continuing on with Logic of English Level B, also working through Rhythm of Handwriting

Science: Building Blocks of Science Book K

Other: Building Thinking Skills Beginning 2 and listening in while I read history to 2nd grader


Will be starting Logic of English Book A


Will be getting lots of cuddles and picture books, distracting her brothers from their work, destroying the house while Mom is busy, and smiling angelically the entire time.

Homeschool is so much more than curriculum. It is the atmosphere of our home and the environment around us and the picture books we read and the muffins we bake. It is the walks in the woods, the time on the playground, the family dinners together and the cuddles on the couch. It is the chores we practice, the curiosity we encourage, and the times that we work on sharing and being kind to siblings... again, again, and yet again. And honestly, this lifestyle-learning-atmosphere is probably a whole lot more important than which math course you choose. Kids will pick up on our attitudes - for better or for worse! - more than they will appreciate the newest and greatest curriculum. So, these books and workbooks are a starting point for certain subjects, but our learning is not limited to what we can purchase. Cheers to a new year and new adventures together!


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