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Writer's pictureEmily

Finding Homeschool Inspiration

One of the blessings of homeschooling in 2021 is that many, many people have walked this road before us and we can learn from their successes and mistakes! Granted, our children and our own family life are unique, and it's not wise to copy another family - but there is still so much to be gained by learning from others. Below are some of the best resources that have helped and inspired me during the past three years of homeschooling.


- I wrote a post on this last summer - start with those!

- Charlotte Mason's original writings in 6 volumes

- anything else by John Holt

- Awaking Wonder by Sally Clarkson


- Brave Writer by Julie Bogart (not just about writing)

- Read-Aloud Revival by Sarah Mackenzie (focused on books & reading)

- Modern Miss Mason by Leah Boden (specifically about the Charlotte Mason method)

- Wild + Free by Ainsley Arment (general homeschool inspiration and encouragement)

On Instagram

- @jenniferpepito

- @schoolathomeandbeyond

- @rootedchildhood

- @littlewomenfarmhouse

- @daddyhomeschools

- @saltwaterschoolhouse

- @thispilgrimlife

- @welcometoourcabin

- @farmhouse_schoolhouse

If you're feeling discouraged, or alone in your homeschooling, check out some of these resources. There are SO many others doing this same thing and it's incredibly energizing and inspiring to hear from others who are a bit farther along than we are!

Finally, I cannot write this post without thinking of my own childhood. We do not homeschool exactly the same way that my mother did, but the fact that she did teach my brothers and me - with such resounding success! - gives confidence and inspiration to our own homeschooling adventure.

A common theme by those who are writing or speaking to homeschoolers is "You can do it! Don't be afraid! You are capable and able to teach your kids!" Those messages are nice but have never deeply resonated with me because I have never once doubted that I can do it. Sure, I've had doubts about which path to take and if this is best for our kids and what materials would work for us... but I have always known that, of course, it can be done! This confidence is a gift given to me by my mother; because she did it, I know that I can too.

Cheers to my mother and the others of that generation who paved the way for us to homeschool today! We have an abundance of help and inspiration available, and for that I am grateful.


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